Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We're living in a zombie apocalypse

Yes, you read that correctly. We are currently living in a zombie apocalypse and we're all in immense danger. But before you get a rifle and lock yourself away in a remote cottage with a bunch of strangers, you should know that there is something you can do about it.

Each day, millions of sleep-deprived people get out of bed and shuffle toward their car (with hair askew and arms outstretched). Once in their car, they drive to work, paying about as much attention to the road as the undead pays to personal hygiene. After a long day at work these same zombies shuffle back to their cars and journey home. They'll go to bed too late and won't get enough sleep…

… And tomorrow, the undead will rise to roam the earth again. Fatigue is a serious problem on our roads and it is creating an army of drivers who are as close to zombies as you can get (while still being medically alive).
We don't get enough sleep at night. We work hard through the day. We're tired during our commute to and from work. We're busy and stressed with family responsibilities. We don't go to bed on time at night. This vicious cycle repeats itself every single day.

It takes a toll on our minds and bodies and it turns us into the living dead: Research shows that fatigue dramatically decreases our ability to think clearly and logically, it slows down our mental reaction time and our physical responses, and it degrades our ability to act with precision.

The only difference between these real life zombies and the ones depicted in fiction is the insatiable appetite for human flesh. Otherwise (at least from a mental perspective), our streets are filled with zombie drivers.
"It's not that bad" readers might object. "Everyone's just a little tired… but we have to carry on anyway". But it IS bad. Studies from the National Institute of Health (in the US) show that the effects of fatigue compared to moderate alcohol consumption are surprisingly similar. Yes, you read that correctly: The more tired you are, the more you react as if you've been drinking.

Imagine if every driver woke up in the morning and drank 3 or 4 beers or a couple glasses of wine before driving to work, and then had the same amount of alcohol before going home for the night. If everyone was doing that, we wouldn't drive on the streets because of the high risk… But that dramatic and alarming illustration is really happening on our streets today, all because of fatigue!

The solution is simple, and here is where we depart from our usual "slow down and drive safely" articles to recommend that you eat balanced meals, drink plenty of water, get some exercise, and go to bed early. All of these great disciplines (which we all want to do anyway) help to improve our ability to sleep and decreases our stress (which also helps improve our ability to sleep) and a good night's sleep makes us more productive AND safer drivers.

By the way, if your car is attacked by zombies, bring it in to your local Boyd Autobody & Glass location. We'll take care of your car so you can get back on the road safely (and while we're fixing your car, you should get some sleep!).