Friday, March 23, 2012

Does age make a different in driving safety?

Statistics and experts tend to point fingers at young drivers or at elderly drivers as being the unsafest drivers on the roads. At Boyd Autobody & Glass, we don't entirely agree. While the statistics do show that more collisions might occur in one age group over another, we think all age groups have equal (but different) dangers in their driving, and everyone would do well to read this article and consider what personal dangers you bring to the road:

Let's start with the two demographics that the safe driving experts are eager to point to. They certainly do have some unsafe driving factors:

Young drivers lack experience to handle the ever-changing conditions of the road. In addition, many (but certainly not all) young drivers tend to consider themselves "invincible". Peer pressure and thrill-seeking might also play a factor in their unsafe driving choices.

Elderly drivers lack the quick reaction time necessary to drive on today's busy roads. As well, elderly drivers can be overly-cautious and may operate comfortably at a different speed than other drivers. In some situations (but not all), there might also be health concerns (including loss of hearing and eyesight), which could play a factor.

Although those two demographics are often pointed to as being the unsafest, we believe that there are many other drivers in other demographics that can pose an equal threat to other drivers on the road. Here are some examples:

Parents of young children can be very unsafe because they're busy dealing with their children. How often do you see parents picking up dropped toys, passing food and drinks, breaking up conflict, or periodically just checking on them in the rearview mirror?

Adults of any age can also be unsafe, particularly in the morning or afternoon rush hours. There are more cars on the road and there are often more things on driver's minds! In the morning: Getting the kids to school and daycare while trying not to be late for work. In the evening: Picking the kids up, while thinking about supper and the evening's activities. Don't forget to factor in stress and fatigue to these two scenarios!

College students, truckers, and families on vacation can all be unsafe drivers as well – often because of distance traveled, stress, lack of focus, or experience.

To be clear – we're NOT saying that if you are in these demographics, you are guilty of these issues. However, we're pointing out that every group of drivers – regardless of why you are on the road – share some common issues that could make them unsafe drivers. Be aware of the factors that might make you an unsafe driver.

And don't forget: If you get into a collision, bring your car in to Boyd Autobody. We'll get you back on the road quickly and safely.